YSFlight Headquarters Terms of Service and Privacy Policy
Effective October 1, 2013
Your use of YSFlight Headquarters (hereinafter “we”, “us”, “our”, “YSFlight Headquarters”, “YSFHQ”, “YSFHQ.com”, “the site”) is governed by the laws, ordinances, and regulations applicable to Cook County, Illinois, United States. Under no circumstances are you permitted to use the site for any purpose that is not explicitly permitted under these terms or which is considered unlawful in the aforementioned jurisdiction(s).
The staff of the site may take any action against users for violations of these terms, including but not limited to: permanent banishment; temporary banishment; suspension of privileges; removal of materials; probation; and/or moderation of posts.
Your use of the site constitutes your implied agreement to these terms, regardless of the status of your account or if you are a non-registered user.
The staff of the site may, from time to time, create any additional rules or regulations they deem necessary. You are required to abide by such rules, provided that they are publicly available and are clearly denoted as being part of the site’s policies.
Under no circumstances may any user post any material which is pornographic, unlawful, or excessively violent in nature on the site. Additionally, no user may post any material which contains or is designed to distribute malware, viruses, spyware or damage peoples property.
No person may willingly or intentionally post the personally identifiable information (such as full name, address, IP address, email address, or telephone number) of another user unless that user has already posted such material publicly, or has given their consent to said user. No portion of this section shall prohibit the staff of the site from using or sharing said information amongst themselves for the purpose of operating the site.
YSFlight Headquarters is directly affiliated with YSUpload.com. As such, your actions on YSUpload.com may result in action taken against your account on YSFHQ.com, and vice-versa. (See Section 15 of the YSUpload.com Terms of Service for YSUpload’s Affiliation and Good Standing Requirement information).
Persons under the age of thirteen (13) at the time of registration must file a signed parental consent form with the site staff before they may gain access to the site. Parents may revoke said permission at their discretion. It will be deemed a violation of these terms to misrepresent your age for the purpose of gaining access to the site while under thirteen (13) years of age. Please see the COPPA page at http://www.coppa.org/ for more information.
The following sections govern YSFlight Headquarters’s use of your personal information.
Unless otherwise noted, the creator of all material posted to the site (text, images, and otherwise) is considered the owner and has full rights to request the removal of said material. This does not grant license for use of YSFlight Headquarters’s logos or marks.
YSFlight Headquarters will not share your personal information, except for the purpose of integrating login systems with YSUpload.com. Personal information includes all information shared with YSFlight Headquarters at the time of registration.
YSFlight Headquarters is not responsible for protecting information willingly shared on the site by users, except when in violation of section 5 of these terms. This includes all personal info, such as address, name, phone number, email, etc.
Our website is powered by WordPress which is a blogging platform and content management system released under the “General Public License”. WordPress developers, representatives, members, founders, hosts, and volunteers (known as WordPress members) have no control over and cannot take responsibility for content published on this site. WordPress accepts no responsiblity towards content or usage of WordPress software and shall be held harmless from any and all litigation, liability, and responsiblities. For further information about WordPress, please see: http://www.wordpress.org/.
Our forums are powered by phpBB (hereinafter “they”, “them”, “their”, “phpBB software”, “www.phpbb.com”, “phpBB Group”, “phpBB Teams”) which is a bulletin board solution released under the “General Public License” (hereinafter “GPL”) and can be downloaded from www.phpbb.com. The phpBB software only facilitates internet based discussions, the phpBB Group are not responsible for what we allow and/or disallow as permissible content and/or conduct. For further information about phpBB, please see: http://www.phpbb.com/.
In general: you acknowledge and agree that, in no event, shall YSFlight Headquarters be liable, whether in contract, warranty, tort (including negligence or breach of statutory duty), strict liability, indemnity, contribution, or otherwise, for any indirect, special, punitive, exemplary, incidental or consequential loss, damage, cost or expense of any kind whatsoever, howsoever caused, or for any loss of production, cost of procurement of substitute goods, loss of capital, loss of software, loss of profit, loss of revenues, contracts, business, cost of rework, loss of goodwill or anticipated savings, or wasted management time, even if YSFlight Headquarters has been advised of the possibility or they are foreseeable. YSFlight Headquarters’s total liability on all claims, whether in contract, warranty, tort (including negligence or breach of statutory duty), strict liability, indemnity, contribution, or otherwise, shall not exceed the price of $1. These limitations shall not apply where expressly prohibited by law.
The site staff may make changes to these terms whenever it is deemed necessary, without prior notice. Your agreement to these terms is ongoing, and you are always governed by the most current version, regardless of when you registered on the site.
Amendment Added 12/26/2013The “First Class” membership program is a fundraising vehicle designed to grant special privileges to donors to the website operations fund(s). YSFlight Headquarters and its staff are responsible for determining the minimum donation level, subscription rates, renewal requirements, and other regulations pertaining to the program, and may change said regulations, levels, and prices at any time, without prior notice.
All donations to YSFlight Headquarters are shared with YSUpload.com (and vice-versa), however the YSFlight Headquarters staff and YSUpload.com staff may determine the minimum amounts required for eligibility in their respective programs. Combined or parallel membership is not guaranteed, and each site may manage its respective members at their own discretion.
YSFlight Headquarters reserves the right to terminate your membership in the program at any time, without refund.
The program, and all donations to YSFlight Headquarters, are non-refundable and are not tax-deductible.
Amendment Added 02/10/2014The site may, from time to time or on a permanent basis, offer additional services not hosted here or may make use of 3rd-party systems to offer additional services. For all intents and purposes, services offered under these provisions are to be considered part of the site and it’s holdings.
The site staff reserves the right to regulate and govern the use of the aforementioned services, either through amendment to these terms or through additional rules and regulations to be posted on the forum and/or using the service itself.
All services offered under these provisions are to be directly related to YSFlight, the site or it’s affiliates, or the governance and operation thereof and are not to be used for any other purpose without the express consent of the site staff. Any such consent may be revoked at any time, without warning or cause.
Any service offered under these provisions may be terminated or restricted without prior warning or cause at the discretion of the site staff.